

K Photographies :)

So, first, lemme introduce to you my new favorite hobby after I learned how to use a professional camera like DSLR. Thanks to my ever loving Professor, Sir Pads who not only gave lectures but also life teachings especially the reality when we work in the industry. *sob* But ever since I was 10 years old, I really love to play with our cameras and to my mobile phone's camera. that's why since then, I have a quite good knowledge in handling a camera or posing for photo shoots.

Actually, these photos we're taken for our Final Project or Examination in Basic Photography Class. (Btw, I'm a Communication Arts Student that's why I have photography class). Since, It's one of my creations, and those models are my very good and gorg friends, I would like to share to you my photos.

Here's the first one, it is an indoor photoshoot inside the studio at our school. The assigned theme for my shoot was spring and I'm glad that my model was my bestfriend that's why I found it easy to take a great shot.

two of my favorite shots are these :)

Thank you bff :)

Ms. Justine Dela Cerna

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xo ~ kriz

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