

You can't mess with Black and White

I really love dressing up and take photos of myself with my perfect get-up since it's pretty rare for me to have a perfect get-up. My ootds were mostly have a shade of black or white because I really love those colors and how it really fits me. and now, here are some throwback pictures of how I really love to wear black, white or a combination of the two in some of my photo shoots and ootd posts.

(c) Kenneth Arboiz
My favorite shot

Well, I think most of the people prefer to wear black or white because it is suited to all occasions formal or not. For some, they might perceived that black and white is not that attractive because it's like the colors of death. But for me, I really love black and white. Even in some stuffs like accessories or when it comes to shoes and bags you can still see how black and white is really gorg and a perfect color. (even a little shade of black and white or a combination of it) Nowadays, the two colors are widely used today even in filters, you can see how dominant black and white is. because, it's not just about the beauty of its simplicity but also the appeal of it to the eyes. 

Do you agree with me? Feel free to comment below and share some of your pictures wearing black and white.

~ kriz mercado.xo

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