

Cutting your long hair to short hair? Yay or Nay? :)


I'm used to have short hair (Medium length or Apple Cut/Bob Cut) since I was a little girl because my mom always want to make me look just like her (as usual, mothers always do that to their little princess). But when I started my college life, I decided to let my hair grow longer. In changing your hair length or style, it can have a major or a minor effect also in the way you live or style yourself. And now, I would like to share to you what are the changes, struggles and perks that I had when I decided to cut my long hair and this might help you in deciding if it's a YAY or NAY to cut your long hair. 

Look at this photo on how long my hair was.

This was taken a week before I decided to cut my hair. April 2015.

BACKGROUND STORY: It was my 4th celebration of my 18th birthday during those time when my best friend decided to have a photo shoot just for fun.  And I was still recovering from my past break-up (aww. <3 I'll share my stories soon :) ). Well, after that long celebration of my birthday, I decided to cut my hair for a change. (Just like how Basha did in the movie "One More Chance") I admit that I really want to change it because I'm already 18, I need some improvements in my life. So, after a week here's what happen to my hair.

Many things have changed. and here's some of the changes I saw, think and some of it were based on other people's perception or comment.


  • I looked more mature .
  • It fits on the shape of my face.
  • I don't usually comb my hair anymore because "messy short hair" really looks good.
  • My aura changed.
  • Many people prefer this look rather than the old one and they even said that I must not let my hair grow longer than this length anymore.
  • Honestly, I feel better :) 


  • I find difficulty in picking some clothes to wear because some of it are much better to wear with a long hair length.
  • I find difficulty in styling my hair like curling it or have a ponytail. 
  • Sometimes, I miss my long hair because I have a mannerism of always touching and flipping it.
  • My neck, chest and my back are exposed. :(
  • (FOR ME) I can't do this NO PONY OR CLIP HAIRSTYLE anymore.

But I just experienced those struggles when I'm not yet used to my short hair but as time goes by, I started to love my short hair since I already know how to style it and it also helped me to improve my clothing style and even my perceptions. And here's KRIZ 2.0

Wait for my next blog post about this outfit
Overall, I love the changes that I had when I turned 18 and so far, I didn't regret anything. The new hairstyle really had a major effect in my life and how I perceived things. But I know, it really depends on ourselves if we choose to change our style together with how we perceive our lives. So, if you're bound between cutting your long hair to short hair, DON'T HESITATE TO DO IT if you want to CHANGE. but if you really love your LONG HAIR, then DON'T.

Don't forget to follow my accounts, check my previous blog post about it. :)
Thanks Darling.
xo. Kriz <3

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