

You can't mess with Black and White

You can't mess with Black and White

December 22, 2015
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I really love dressing up and take photos of myself with my perfect get-up since it's pretty rare for me to have a perfect get-up. My ootds were mostly have a shade of black or white because I really love those colors and how it really fits me. and now, here are some throwback pictures of how I

1+1 = 2 :)

1+1 = 2 :)

November 29, 2015
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Hey Darlings. :) Well, I know I made promises again but eventually broke them too. I'm sorry because I have a lot of things to do especially right now because my second semester just started. But I have some good news for you my dear readers. I put up a second blog, but don't worry. This blog will

Cutting your long hair to short hair? Yay or Nay? :)

Cutting your long hair to short hair? Yay or Nay? :)

November 15, 2015
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LONG HAIR TO SHORT HAIR I'm used to have short hair (Medium length or Apple Cut/Bob Cut) since I was a little girl because my mom always want to make me look just like her (as usual, mothers always do that to their little princess). But when I started my college life, I decided to let my hair

Juan Gala ft. Liliw Laguna

Juan Gala ft. Liliw Laguna

October 26, 2015
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Juan Gala ft. Liliw Laguna Image
One of the highlights of my 3rd year first semester was when we produced a travel documentary about Liliw, Laguna one of my favorite places in my hometown and it's a must-visit place. I traveled with my fellow Juan Galaeras (My College BFFs) and it was a really great fun and travel 'coz we were able to enjoy

Me and The Other

Me and The Other

October 26, 2015
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So, one of my subjects this semester (Art, Man and Society) required us to make a midterm output in any form of art as long as it is about our midterm topic which is "Me and the Other". So I decided to make a poem. Our topics for the midterm period were about J.P. Sartre's "Existentialism is a



June 16, 2015
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So for those people who've seen my instagram posts (@krizmrcd), I kept on putting a hashtag #LovingLaguna in some of my posts. It's all because I'm starting to love Laguna (my hometown) even more when I started to work as a promoter of a certain tobacco company. It's a work-cation actually. Haha. I applied for that work so that

Hey Darlings! 💕

Hey Darlings! 💕

June 16, 2015
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Hey darlings! I'm back after 4 months. It's been awhile since I last posted a blog post tho. I'm so sorry guys. I actually enjoyed my 2 months vacation or work-cation that's why I forgot to update you guys. But starting today, I'll be active again. I promise. Keep on supporting me guys. Lovelots! xo - kriz

MY LOVE: Johnny Depp

MY LOVE: Johnny Depp

January 21, 2015
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MY LOVE: Johnny Depp Image
Am I the only one who really loves him so much? I know that there are so many girls out there who would really love him. Like, every time my Professor in Film say his name as her example for some lessons we discussed in our class, my mouth would actually form a huge smile and say "My