

Me and The Other

So, one of my subjects this semester (Art, Man and Society) required us to make a midterm output in any form of art as long as it is about our midterm topic which is "Me and the Other". So I decided to make a poem.

Our topics for the midterm period were about J.P. Sartre's "Existentialism is a Humanism", Albert Camus' "The Myth of Sisyphus", Martin Buber's "Elements of Interhuman", and Erich Fromm's "Theory of Love". So my poetry evolves around these topics.

Here it is, I made it through a visual art where  I created a simple background just like how we see some quotes over twitter and instagram. I hope all of you will love it <3

~ So, that's it. sorry if I wasn't able to update my blog for years. I'm too busy with a bunch of school works. And I'll share it to you my darlings on my next blogs so just wait for it. It will be interesting since it's all about film making and organizing school stuffs. 

Lots of love
Kriz. xo

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