

Juan Gala ft. Liliw Laguna

Juan Gala ft. Liliw Laguna

October 26, 2015
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Juan Gala ft. Liliw Laguna Image
One of the highlights of my 3rd year first semester was when we produced a travel documentary about Liliw, Laguna one of my favorite places in my hometown and it's a must-visit place. I traveled with my fellow Juan Galaeras (My College BFFs) and it was a really great fun and travel 'coz we were able to enjoy

Me and The Other

Me and The Other

October 26, 2015
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So, one of my subjects this semester (Art, Man and Society) required us to make a midterm output in any form of art as long as it is about our midterm topic which is "Me and the Other". So I decided to make a poem. Our topics for the midterm period were about J.P. Sartre's "Existentialism is a